Tuesday, May 3, 2016
MKTG 347/Week 14: 3 Things To Consider Before Posting to Social Media
In order to get the most value out of using social media, there are different elements that need to be considered. Posting random content at randoms times will not be effective. So, take the time to decide who your target audience will be, what kind of content you will be posting, and how much time you will spend on creating or curating content for the week. Once you have a plan, your social media campaign will be much more effective.
Target Audience/Industry: One of the first elements to consider is who your target audience is. Depending on your product or service, you might have one target audience, or you might have a few. It all depends on a few characteristics.
Take the time to define the buyer personas in the industry. For instance, if you are trying to get the word out about a new brand name makeup store, one of your obvious target markets would be young women, who have a steady income so that they can splurge on makeup purchases. Once you define your target audience, you can determine the best site to use to reach them and know what content to use to get the best results.
Type of Content: Having a lot of content with no feedback or interaction will not help you have a successful social media campaign. You want to post content that your target audience will find interesting and interact with. It is essential to have a variety of content to see what your audience interacts with the best. Instead of posting about your blog article every week, share a video or an image, or share an interesting article written by someone else. It takes time to plan the content in order to get the best results.
How Much Time to Spend: The amount of time that you need to spend planning your social media posts varies from company to company, but there are a few models that you can follow. A marketing company called Pardot, outlines a way to complete what you need to through social media in just 30 minutes a day. With this outline, you would spend 10 minutes on Twitter, six on Facebook and LinkedIn, four on Pinterest, and two on Google+ and Instagram. While you are on these sites, use the time to respond to direct tweets or comments and engage with the company page.
In order to get the most out of a social media campaign, it is helpful to take the time to plan. Thinking about your target audience, the content you post, and the amount of time you should spend each day on these social media sites, will help your brand have a successful social media presence.
Monday, April 18, 2016
MKTG 347/Week 13: Scheduling Posts using Hootsuite
Whether you're in college, work a full time job, or maybe even do both, it can be hard to find the time to do everything that needs to be done throughout the day. Remembering to stay up to date with social media accounts is just another task added to the many that need to be completed. Hootsuite makes the issue of not having the time to sit, create, and post content to social media accounts disappear.
By scheduling posts you can save time and are able to think about the content you are posting ahead of time, which will only help to improve your social media presence.
Scheduling posts using Hootsuie is simple, but if you have never had any experience with this tool before, it could be confusing at first. Below are some basics so that you can get started with scheduling your content to multiple social media platforms.
Compose Message:
By scheduling posts you can save time and are able to think about the content you are posting ahead of time, which will only help to improve your social media presence.
Scheduling posts using Hootsuie is simple, but if you have never had any experience with this tool before, it could be confusing at first. Below are some basics so that you can get started with scheduling your content to multiple social media platforms.
Compose Message:
When you first login to Hootsuite, you will see something like the picture shown above. In order to start the process of scheduling your first post, drag your mouse over where it says "compose message" and this screen will appear:
Choose a Network:
Once you see an image like the one above, you can start to compose your message. After you add the text you want everyone to see, you can look over to the left and choose which networks you want the post to be published to. You can schedule the same posts to multiple networks. If you want the same message to be posted to your Facebook and LinkedIn accounts, that can easily be accomplished.
Set the Time and Date:
After choosing the networks you want to post to, you need to schedule the time at which you want the content to be posted.
Once you have set a date and time, you have the option to receive an email when the message is set, and you can also double check the date by looking at the date in publisher.
After entering all of the information above, simply click save and your post will be ready to be uploaded!
Monday, April 4, 2016
MKTG 347/Week 12: Hootsuite Basics
Most companies today have a Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and other accounts to keep up with their social media presence. While it is great to have multiple accounts, it can become a hassle to keep posting new content on a continuous basis. This is where Hootsuite is extremely useful.
How to Get started:
Getting started is very easy. If you are just using Hootsuite to gain some experience, I would suggest registering for the free account. Once you create an account, you will go through the process of adding social media networks. Even if you do not have official accounts you can practice with your Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn accounts.
Using Hootsuite:
After adding your social media sites, Hootsuite gives you the option to add streams and go through steps to get you started. If you have never used Hootsuite before this can be helpful to watch and it doesn't hurt to go through because you can exit the wizard set up process at any time.
If you are not sure where to start, Hootsuite University could be a helpful tool for you. This online section allows you to explore Hootsuite a little more and become more comfortable with the process of uploading content. You can view videos, webinars, and even on demand webinars through this section.
If you are trying to manage multiple social media platforms, you should take the time to become familiar with Hootsuite. Through this site, you are able to post scheduled content on a regular basis to multiple social media sites, which will save you time and help increase your ROI.
What is it?
Hootsuite is a website that allows you to post content to multiple social media sites. Not only can you post to more than one site, but you can also schedule the time and dates of when you want the content to be posted. So, Hootsuite is a time saver. Within just a few hours you can have a months worth of content planned out and ready to be posted.How to Get started:
Getting started is very easy. If you are just using Hootsuite to gain some experience, I would suggest registering for the free account. Once you create an account, you will go through the process of adding social media networks. Even if you do not have official accounts you can practice with your Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn accounts.
Using Hootsuite:
After adding your social media sites, Hootsuite gives you the option to add streams and go through steps to get you started. If you have never used Hootsuite before this can be helpful to watch and it doesn't hurt to go through because you can exit the wizard set up process at any time.
If you are not sure where to start, Hootsuite University could be a helpful tool for you. This online section allows you to explore Hootsuite a little more and become more comfortable with the process of uploading content. You can view videos, webinars, and even on demand webinars through this section.
If you are trying to manage multiple social media platforms, you should take the time to become familiar with Hootsuite. Through this site, you are able to post scheduled content on a regular basis to multiple social media sites, which will save you time and help increase your ROI.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
MKTG 347/Week11: Facebook Insights
If you have read any of my previous posts, you should be at least somewhat aware of a few social media platforms and how they are used to enhance social media marketing across the web. Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter are some of the major platforms that allow social media marketers the chance to reach various audiences across the world. It is fairly simple to set up an account or page, and even start a marketing advertisement or campaign, but it is essential to know how to track your results and what they mean.
Facebook Insights is a free tool, that allows you to track user interactions on a Facebook page. After looking at the insights page, you will be able to better understand your audiences. As a result, you will known what content users respond best to, and when to post that content to get the highest levels of interaction possible.
I tried looking at the insights through the Facebook page I created during week 3, but I was unable to do so. After scanning the page looking for insights several times, I turned to Google for some help. I found that in order for insights to appear, 30 people must like your page and it can take several hours to show up. So, after receiving 30 likes for your page, here are a few metrics insights can help you track.
Likes: If you click on the "like" tab under the insights page, you will be able to see the different demographics of people who have liked the content posted on your page. You will be able to see if more women like your page then men and adjust accordingly. Insights also lets you see where the traffic is coming from. In addition, you can see unlike and even search by new likes. All of this information will help you build personas of your target audience and adjust your content accordingly.
Virality of Content: You can be posting content on a regular basis, but it is helpful to know how successful that content actually is. Insights allows you to check the virailty of whatever you post whether it may be photos, videos, links, posts, or questions. From looking at this information you will become aware of how many users engaged with a post and how the word was spread about that particular post.
Reach: Who your content is actually reaching is an important factor to know when participating in social media marketing. The reach area allows you to see what channels are the most effective to get people to view your content. You can see what searches were organic, paid, and viral which will help you determine which area needs to be increased to maintain a better reach.
Getting your content out to the public and knowing who responds to that content is essential for effective social media marketing. Facebook insights is a free and helpful tool that provides useful information about demographics and who your content is reaching, so that you can determine what changed need to be made to your online strategy.
Facebook Insights is a free tool, that allows you to track user interactions on a Facebook page. After looking at the insights page, you will be able to better understand your audiences. As a result, you will known what content users respond best to, and when to post that content to get the highest levels of interaction possible.
I tried looking at the insights through the Facebook page I created during week 3, but I was unable to do so. After scanning the page looking for insights several times, I turned to Google for some help. I found that in order for insights to appear, 30 people must like your page and it can take several hours to show up. So, after receiving 30 likes for your page, here are a few metrics insights can help you track.
Likes: If you click on the "like" tab under the insights page, you will be able to see the different demographics of people who have liked the content posted on your page. You will be able to see if more women like your page then men and adjust accordingly. Insights also lets you see where the traffic is coming from. In addition, you can see unlike and even search by new likes. All of this information will help you build personas of your target audience and adjust your content accordingly.
Virality of Content: You can be posting content on a regular basis, but it is helpful to know how successful that content actually is. Insights allows you to check the virailty of whatever you post whether it may be photos, videos, links, posts, or questions. From looking at this information you will become aware of how many users engaged with a post and how the word was spread about that particular post.
Reach: Who your content is actually reaching is an important factor to know when participating in social media marketing. The reach area allows you to see what channels are the most effective to get people to view your content. You can see what searches were organic, paid, and viral which will help you determine which area needs to be increased to maintain a better reach.
Getting your content out to the public and knowing who responds to that content is essential for effective social media marketing. Facebook insights is a free and helpful tool that provides useful information about demographics and who your content is reaching, so that you can determine what changed need to be made to your online strategy.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
MKTG 347/Week 10: Twitter Basics
In my previous posts I have talked about Facebook and LinkedIn, but I have still not touched on discussing Twitter, which is another major social media platform used for marketing purposes. Just like Facebook, anyone can create an account on Twitter. Whether its for a company, non-profit, or just a person, Twitter allows people to stay connected and interact on an instantaneous basis from around the globe.
At first you might not think a tweet of 140 characters or less would have much of a marketing impact, but it does. Here are some basic about Twitter and why it is beneficial to use.
Two-Way Conversations: Twitter is an interactive social media platform that facilitates conversations. When someone has an issue, or is unsatisfied with a product or service, they tend to turn to social media to voice their concerns. With a twitter account, brands and companies can respond to these concerns quickly.
Hashtags and Trending Topics: Today, most companies have a Twitter account.With the use of hashtags and trending topics, it is simple to see what people are saying about your company. It also allows other customers to communicate to each other any concerns or problems they encounter, because more often than not, more than one person under-go's the same issue. Even if you aren't using Twitter to run ads, you can still use it to re-tweet customers and address their concerns. The faster a concern is addressed, the better it is for your company.
ROI: You might have seen the term ROI mentioned briefly throughout my other posts, but if not ROI stands for return on investment. In order for social media to be an effective and efficient use of funds, the ROI needs to be greater than the money spent running campaigns. Just like on Facebook, Twitter can be used to include promotions, offers, and coupons.
One way to track the ROI from twitter is by using a tool called Argyle social. This tools lets you link your social media accounts to the site and then report on the results. So, you are able to see how many sales resulted from Twitter ads and campaigns.
Twitter is a social media platform that can be a great marketing tool for companies and brands if utilized correctly. The two way conversations, use of hashtags, and the capability to track ROI are just some of the many reasons Twitter is social media platform worth looking into.
MKTG 347/Week 9: Let's Talk Money
Salary negotiation is a process that is intimidating to a number of job hunters. Some worry about mentioning a number too soon, others worry about stating a figure that's too low, while others high ball based on their desired salary. Even though discussing salary might seem like a tricky process, it should always be discussed before accepting a job offer.
Here are some points to remember to make the salary negotiation process run smoothly.
Wait till the end: Asking about salary too early in the interviewing process is not a mistake that you want to make. Salary should be brought up when you are certain that the company wants to hire you for that position. You are wondering how much they are going to pay you, but they are asking the question of how much you are going to cost them. So, timing plays a major role when discussing starting salaries.
Avoid stating a number to early: Sometimes employers will bring up salary sooner than you expect, but there are ways to avoid stating a number. If a potential employer asks you what kind of salary you are looking for two minutes into the interview, you don't have to provide an answer. You could say something along the lines of, "I'd be happy to answer that, but could you first tell me a little more about the position."
If an employer keeps asking you to give a figure, you don't have to stick with one number. Mentioning a range would be perfectly fine. For instance, you could say that you are looking for a salary that pays between 40,000 to 50,000 dollars a year.
Do research: Research is an important part of the job hunting process, and that includes researching the average salary for the position you are applying. Conducting this research is fairly simple and can be done a number of ways. You can do some research online, or just talk to people who are already in a related field. Doing the research before discussing salary will help you determine if the employer is offering you a fair starting salary or you could do better elsewhere.
Even though salary negotiation might seem like an intimidating process, it is something that must be done before accepting a job offer. If you have the right timing and do your research, you have a better chance of receiving the most an employer is willing to pay for your position.
Here are some points to remember to make the salary negotiation process run smoothly.
Wait till the end: Asking about salary too early in the interviewing process is not a mistake that you want to make. Salary should be brought up when you are certain that the company wants to hire you for that position. You are wondering how much they are going to pay you, but they are asking the question of how much you are going to cost them. So, timing plays a major role when discussing starting salaries.
Avoid stating a number to early: Sometimes employers will bring up salary sooner than you expect, but there are ways to avoid stating a number. If a potential employer asks you what kind of salary you are looking for two minutes into the interview, you don't have to provide an answer. You could say something along the lines of, "I'd be happy to answer that, but could you first tell me a little more about the position."
If an employer keeps asking you to give a figure, you don't have to stick with one number. Mentioning a range would be perfectly fine. For instance, you could say that you are looking for a salary that pays between 40,000 to 50,000 dollars a year.
Do research: Research is an important part of the job hunting process, and that includes researching the average salary for the position you are applying. Conducting this research is fairly simple and can be done a number of ways. You can do some research online, or just talk to people who are already in a related field. Doing the research before discussing salary will help you determine if the employer is offering you a fair starting salary or you could do better elsewhere.
Even though salary negotiation might seem like an intimidating process, it is something that must be done before accepting a job offer. If you have the right timing and do your research, you have a better chance of receiving the most an employer is willing to pay for your position.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
MKTG 347/Week 8: 4 Things to Remember During an Interview
After sending out hundreds of resumes you finally get a call back for a interview. Maybe you're excited, or maybe you're a nervous wreck. Whether you think you have the interview in the bag, or are too nervous to function properly, there are some tips you should remember before diving into the interview.
Do research: Don't just wing it and think that you'll just figure out it when you get there. Before going to the interview do some research on the company and position you have applied for. Simply Google them for some background information and take the time to read the About Us section on their website. Doing research will allow you to throw out some facts about the company that interest you and that will impress the employer.
Be prepared for Questions: Whether you have ever been to an interview before or not, there are some common questions that you should be able to answer. Some of these questions include:
"Tell me about yourself?"
"Why are you applying for this job?"
"What is your greatest weakness?"
"What are your strengths?"
Preparing before will help you easily answer common questions and not get caught with nothing to say or a rambling answer.
It is also important to ask the person interviewing you questions. If you say you don't have any questions at the end of the interview it may come across like you do not care to know more about the company or what the job entails. So, some common questions for you to ask employers include:
"What are some of the company values?"
"What future changes do you see in the work here?"
"What characterizes a successful employee at this company?"
Be aware of the small things: Not all employers are going to like you, and it could be for a reason as simple as you wore too much perfume to the interview. So, it is important to look out for the small things that could affect your chances of getting called back for another interview. Some things to be aware of include:
-Your appearance
-Lack of self-confidence
-Nervous mannerisms
-Your values
Know the skills: Be aware of the skills that employer is looking for in a job candidate. Most are looking for someone who is:
-Has a good attitude
-Able to use language effectively
Your resume is what landed you the interview, and the interview is where you need to sell yourself. In order to make the interviewing process successful, you should remember and practice some of the tips mentioned above.
Do research: Don't just wing it and think that you'll just figure out it when you get there. Before going to the interview do some research on the company and position you have applied for. Simply Google them for some background information and take the time to read the About Us section on their website. Doing research will allow you to throw out some facts about the company that interest you and that will impress the employer.
Be prepared for Questions: Whether you have ever been to an interview before or not, there are some common questions that you should be able to answer. Some of these questions include:
"Tell me about yourself?"
"Why are you applying for this job?"
"What is your greatest weakness?"
"What are your strengths?"
Preparing before will help you easily answer common questions and not get caught with nothing to say or a rambling answer.
It is also important to ask the person interviewing you questions. If you say you don't have any questions at the end of the interview it may come across like you do not care to know more about the company or what the job entails. So, some common questions for you to ask employers include:
"What are some of the company values?"
"What future changes do you see in the work here?"
"What characterizes a successful employee at this company?"
Be aware of the small things: Not all employers are going to like you, and it could be for a reason as simple as you wore too much perfume to the interview. So, it is important to look out for the small things that could affect your chances of getting called back for another interview. Some things to be aware of include:
-Your appearance
-Lack of self-confidence
-Nervous mannerisms
-Your values
Know the skills: Be aware of the skills that employer is looking for in a job candidate. Most are looking for someone who is:
-Has a good attitude
-Able to use language effectively
Your resume is what landed you the interview, and the interview is where you need to sell yourself. In order to make the interviewing process successful, you should remember and practice some of the tips mentioned above.
MKTG 347/Week 7: Social Media Personal Branding
When attempting to find a job, personal branding plays a major factor. Throughout the job hunt you are trying to showcase your best qualities so that potential employers will take an interest in you. Many of us already practice selling ourselves by making our resumes as professional and impressive as possible, and try our best to make a lasting impression if an interview is granted, but there are other ways to promote yourself and this starts with personal branding through social media.
Have a Clean Social Media Presence:Employers can easily search the web and be able to check out applicants social media accounts. According to a social media recruitment study done by CareerBuilder, in 2015, 52 percent of employers used the social media platforms to research their applicants. Many employers come across bad mouthing other employees, inappropriate language and pictures, bad grammar, and discriminatory remarks, which causes the employee to no longer be consider. So, it is important to make sure you have a clean social media presence on sites such as Facebook and Twitter.
Once you have a clean social media presences, there are ways to utilize social media platforms to create your personal brand. The way to do this is through LinkedIn. Currently, LinkedIn has 350 million users from over 200 countries, so it is a great way to make connections and get your name out to the field you are interested in.
In order to properly build your personal brand, there are a few steps you should follow.
Fill out the entire profile: This includes things as simple as uploading a picture and providing background information about yourself. LinkedIn allows you to post a summary, showcase your skills, and even receive endorsements from others. The more information you have filled out, the better.
Build connections: Unlike Facebook and Twitter, LinkedIn is more of a professional networking platform. There are millions of users from countries around the world that you have the ability to connect with by a simple click of a button. In order to find connections, all you need to do is go to "people you may know" tab, or you can run an advanced search and connect with alumni, co-workers, and friends. You can also join groups that you are interested in and make connections through there.
Be Active: Even if you have a profile that is completely filled in and over 300 connections, that does nothing if you are not active. Like any other social media platform, posting content is expected. So, use your profile to showcase your work, share a blog post, or just start a discussion over a topic that you have an interest in. Read through what others have to say, and comment on their posts to help build your online presence.
Social media platforms are a great way to build your personal brand, if you use them correctly. So, remember to keep your social media presence clean, and use LinkedIn to showcase your work and stay connected with others.
Monday, February 15, 2016
MKTG 347/Week 6: The Essence of the Job Hunt
Even as the behavior of job hunting always changes, the essence of job hunting tends to stay the same. In one of my first posts, I mentioned that after the recession in 2008, the job hunting process has changed dramatically. While this is true, it is also true that one aspect has stayed constant, and this is human nature.
During the job hunting process you are trying to get the employers to like you and you decide if you like them. When one lead doesn't workout, you simply move on to the next one. You should keep in mind that the job hunting process is a two way conversation.
"Do you like me?" Even if the answer is yes, that does not mean you should automatically accept the job offer. You must answer the question "Do I like you?" The reason you need to answer this question before you start is because you don't want to be answering it years later when you're thinking about quitting.
Now, you might be thinking, "I'm just trying to get a job, whether I like it or not", but it is important to remember that you are not powerless throughout the job hunting process. Many people have the misconception that they have to take the first job they are offered because there aren't many out there, but there are jobs available.
In the December of 2014, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released a report known as Job Openings and Labor Turnout Survey(JOLTS). This report showed that during the month of December 5,148,000 people were able to find work. There were also 5,028,00 vacancies that remained unfilled.
So, even though the behavior of job hunting is constantly changing the essence of the hunt tends to stay the same. There are open positions available and as long as you stay aware that the process is a two way conversation, you will eventually find your desired job.
During the job hunting process you are trying to get the employers to like you and you decide if you like them. When one lead doesn't workout, you simply move on to the next one. You should keep in mind that the job hunting process is a two way conversation.
"Do you like me?" Even if the answer is yes, that does not mean you should automatically accept the job offer. You must answer the question "Do I like you?" The reason you need to answer this question before you start is because you don't want to be answering it years later when you're thinking about quitting.
Now, you might be thinking, "I'm just trying to get a job, whether I like it or not", but it is important to remember that you are not powerless throughout the job hunting process. Many people have the misconception that they have to take the first job they are offered because there aren't many out there, but there are jobs available.
In the December of 2014, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released a report known as Job Openings and Labor Turnout Survey(JOLTS). This report showed that during the month of December 5,148,000 people were able to find work. There were also 5,028,00 vacancies that remained unfilled.
So, even though the behavior of job hunting is constantly changing the essence of the hunt tends to stay the same. There are open positions available and as long as you stay aware that the process is a two way conversation, you will eventually find your desired job.
MKTG 347/Week 5: Facebook Pages
By now, most people are aware of Facebook and how it works. Some use the site for personal uses while others use it as a marketing tool. Facebook is one of the many ways to market your business and there are different approaches that you can take. For instance, you can pay for an ad campaign, or you can create a promotional page.
It is fairly simple to create a Facebook page for your business, and unlike the ad campaign, it is free. There are pre-designed templates to choose from based on different categories. For instance, when you get started, Facebook will ask if your page is for a business, company, brand, artist, entertainment, or a cause.
Once you pick the template you want for your page, you are asked to fill in other information such as the name of your company or brand, uploading a profile picture, and what your page is about. You can also customize your page reach to certain demographics. So, if you want people from the United States and Canada who are in their mid twenties to see your page, you can add that in.
After you have your page up and running, you should be posting and sharing content on a regular basis. Just for the experience, I made a Facebook page to promote my marketing blog. After setting up the page and placing a direct link to my blog, I shared one of my blog posts and asked people to go check it out.
Even though it was free to create the page, Facebook offers ways to promote the page by getting more likes. This is called a boost and the price starts at $5. So, it is important to be aware that even though the page was free, additional marketing techniques do cost money.
Facebook is an inexpensive way to promote your company and gain some exposure through social media. Although some features do entail a fee, there are many free features, such as creating a Facebook page, that you can utilize.
It is fairly simple to create a Facebook page for your business, and unlike the ad campaign, it is free. There are pre-designed templates to choose from based on different categories. For instance, when you get started, Facebook will ask if your page is for a business, company, brand, artist, entertainment, or a cause.
After you have your page up and running, you should be posting and sharing content on a regular basis. Just for the experience, I made a Facebook page to promote my marketing blog. After setting up the page and placing a direct link to my blog, I shared one of my blog posts and asked people to go check it out.
Even though it was free to create the page, Facebook offers ways to promote the page by getting more likes. This is called a boost and the price starts at $5. So, it is important to be aware that even though the page was free, additional marketing techniques do cost money.
Facebook is an inexpensive way to promote your company and gain some exposure through social media. Although some features do entail a fee, there are many free features, such as creating a Facebook page, that you can utilize.
Monday, February 8, 2016
MKTG 347/Week 4: Content Skills
When you want to know a little about tea cup piglets, you turn to Google to find some helpful articles, pictures, and information, but did you ever stop to think where that information, or content as we will call it, came from? Some of the content is from professional websites, but others are from personal blogs. When it comes to social media content, there are three types of content that are important to familiarize yourself with include curation, creation, and collaboration.
Whether you are generating your own content, or sharing what you find interesting, it is important to have some type of content to boost your social media presence. In order to develop social media marketing as a skill, there are a few steps to take to get started.
Start a Blog: An easy way to create a blog is to make one using blogger.com. All you need is a Gmail account and you can get started. Even if writing isn't your strong suit, try it out. It is important to remember to blog on a regular basis. After writing a new post, share the link on social media sites such as Facebook or LinkedIn so that people become aware of the content you are producing.
Create a Website: If you are working for a company, trying to show off your portfolio, or starting a new project, having a website would be useful. There are a number of websites that allow you to create your own webpage. Wordpress and Google Site are two of the websites that offer free versions with various templates to get started. So, even if you don't have technical skills it is still possible to create your own site to display your work.
Make/Edit Video: Even if you have never had any prior experience with creating or editing videos, it is fairly simple to get started. All you need is an iPhone, iPod, or any smart phone with video capabilities to begin. Great content can be created even with a simple device. Once you have some videos, you can add them to YouTube where you can experiment with some simple edits to gain some experience.
When it comes to social media marketing, content is extremely important. Whether you share someone else's content or create your own, there are multiple ways to get that content out to others and expand your social media presence and skills.
Whether you are generating your own content, or sharing what you find interesting, it is important to have some type of content to boost your social media presence. In order to develop social media marketing as a skill, there are a few steps to take to get started.

Create a Website: If you are working for a company, trying to show off your portfolio, or starting a new project, having a website would be useful. There are a number of websites that allow you to create your own webpage. Wordpress and Google Site are two of the websites that offer free versions with various templates to get started. So, even if you don't have technical skills it is still possible to create your own site to display your work.
Make/Edit Video: Even if you have never had any prior experience with creating or editing videos, it is fairly simple to get started. All you need is an iPhone, iPod, or any smart phone with video capabilities to begin. Great content can be created even with a simple device. Once you have some videos, you can add them to YouTube where you can experiment with some simple edits to gain some experience.
When it comes to social media marketing, content is extremely important. Whether you share someone else's content or create your own, there are multiple ways to get that content out to others and expand your social media presence and skills.
Sunday, February 7, 2016
MKTG 347/Week 3: Resume Tips
The way job hunters should send out their resumes has changes. Now, everything is online. Within seconds a potential employer can type your name into Google and see the good and the bad. , Google is your new resume, so it is important to be cautious and aware of the information you put out there.
Having Google as your resume can be a great tool, but if you do not know how to utilize it properly, it can harm your chances of landing a job.
Before spamming the internet with your actually resume, make sure to:
-Edit the information already out there
-Fill-In sites such as LinkedIn
-Expand your presence(blogging would be a great way to start)
-Add your resume to the online world
When you send out your resume you want it to be the best it can possibly be. So before adding your resume online for everyone to see, take the time to think about your skills and experiences that will make your resume stand out from the others.
Some categories to think about and mention include:
Once you have your resume perfected, think about where you want to post it because that does make a difference.Most employers don't want to go through more resumes than they need to, but when they post vacancies online hundreds of people can respond.
For instance, a typical employer has to look through 219 resumes if they post the vacancy on a job-board like CareerBuilder.com. On LinkedIn employees usually go through 116 resumes, so you have a better chance at getting looked at on LinkedIn than some job-boards.
Being aware of where your posting information and what you are posting will help you throughout the job hunting process. Having a solid resume is essential, but it is just as important to have a clean and updated online presence when employers search for you on Google.
Having Google as your resume can be a great tool, but if you do not know how to utilize it properly, it can harm your chances of landing a job.
Before spamming the internet with your actually resume, make sure to:
-Edit the information already out there
-Fill-In sites such as LinkedIn
-Expand your presence(blogging would be a great way to start)
-Add your resume to the online world
When you send out your resume you want it to be the best it can possibly be. So before adding your resume online for everyone to see, take the time to think about your skills and experiences that will make your resume stand out from the others.
Some categories to think about and mention include:
- Education
- Volunteer Experience
- Computer Skills
- Management
- Responsibility
- Memberships
- Published/Presented work
Once you have your resume perfected, think about where you want to post it because that does make a difference.Most employers don't want to go through more resumes than they need to, but when they post vacancies online hundreds of people can respond.
For instance, a typical employer has to look through 219 resumes if they post the vacancy on a job-board like CareerBuilder.com. On LinkedIn employees usually go through 116 resumes, so you have a better chance at getting looked at on LinkedIn than some job-boards.
Being aware of where your posting information and what you are posting will help you throughout the job hunting process. Having a solid resume is essential, but it is just as important to have a clean and updated online presence when employers search for you on Google.
Sunday, January 31, 2016
MKTG 347/Week 2: 4 Ways the Job Hunt has Changed

Today it seems difficult to find a job, even with a college degree and experience. Many of you might be wondering why it is a challenge, so below you will find some of the aspects of the job hunt that have changed.
Employers Changed:
Employers adapt to the times, while most job hunters stick to the same process. For example, job hunters will always turn in resumes, but depending on the time, job hunters will not always read them. When times are good, employers are looking to fill open positions, read through resumes and post vacancies, but when times are tough, and there are a number of people unemployed, they have more applicants to choose from. Since there is more to choose from, employers stop reading resumes and posting vacancies, but job hunters don't switch tactics.
Also, many employers tend to over-screen and be more selective with who they hire than in the past.
The Length of the Hunt Increased:
Today 22-30% of all unemployed people are spending more than a year to find work. Between the years of 1994 and 2008, about half of all unemployed people actively looking for a job, found work within five weeks, Spending over a year unsuccessfully looking for a job is both time consuming and frustrating, so many people are staying away from the labor force altogether for the time being.
Job Hunting has Moved Online:
Before the internet, job seekers would go to newspapers to find job openings, but now there are thousands of job boards online. NetStart Inc. and Monster Board were two of the earliest job boards that started in 1994, but today there thousands of job boards that serve different purposes.
For instance, there are search engines which are used to locate job openings. There are also mega job-boards, niche job-boards, company job-boards, and job-boards for certain ages. In addition to job boards, social media sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are commonly used throughout the job hunting process.
We Speak Two Different Languages:
The job hunting system was built by employers for employers. Because job hunters and employers are so different, there are usually some contrasts which make finding a job even more difficult.
For example, as job hunters we see the process of finding a job to be a hiring game, but the employer sees it as an elimination game.
Also, we want the employer to hunt for us the same way we are hunting for them, but that does not happen. This is because as job hunters, our main concern is time, but an employer's main concern is risk.
Even though the job hunting process has changed drastically since 2008, it is important to remember that there are jobs our there, It might be more challenging to land a job at this point in time, but it is possible.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
MKTG 347/ Week 1: Social Media Basics
Today I have checked Facebook about three times, scrolled through my Twitter feed and of course took the time to check what's going on through Instagram. While many of us tend to use social media for personal reasons, such as keeping up on who's dating who this week, social media is a powerful tool when it comes to the world of marketing.
According to LinkedIn, social media marketing skills was one of the top skills that helped job seekers get hired in 2013. Most of us have been exposed to some form of social media, but there are a few key points to look out for when using social media sites to reach your market.
Know the ROI: Having Facebook ad campaigns and paid advertisments on other social media sites is a great way to get your product out there, but it is important to know the return on investment.This just means to be aware of impact your social media marketing is making compared to the the money spent in order to accomplish that goal.
Consider the Target Market; One of the first steps in the process of social media marketing should be to determine if you are trying to market to consumers or other businesses. Business to business marketing will have a different approach than business to consumer marketing. The content will vary. For instance, a fun and catchy ad posted on Facebook would be useful for business to consumer marketing, whereas an informational article posted on LinkedIn would be more suitable for business to business.
Create Awareness: The purpose of digital marketing is to engage your audience through social media by means of promotions, videos, contests, etc. Once people are aware of your product and/or service, they can share what they know by word of mouth through their own social media channels.
In addition to using social media to spread the word, you ca also use them to listen. When people dislike something, chances are they will share their experience with others through sites such as Facebook or Twitter. So, instead of just using it to spread awareness, you can use these sites to listen to potential customers and improve.
Know the Channels: Two of the most common websites used to create awareness through social media are Facebook and Twitter, but there are others as well which include:
Yahoo! Answers
If you haven't heard of these websites. it is important to take the time to become familiar with them so that you can improve your online presence.
Experience with social media marketing is an important skill to have when entering the marketing field today. Even if it is completely unknown territory, simply becoming familiar with the websites above will get you started on the right track.
According to LinkedIn, social media marketing skills was one of the top skills that helped job seekers get hired in 2013. Most of us have been exposed to some form of social media, but there are a few key points to look out for when using social media sites to reach your market.
Consider the Target Market; One of the first steps in the process of social media marketing should be to determine if you are trying to market to consumers or other businesses. Business to business marketing will have a different approach than business to consumer marketing. The content will vary. For instance, a fun and catchy ad posted on Facebook would be useful for business to consumer marketing, whereas an informational article posted on LinkedIn would be more suitable for business to business.
Create Awareness: The purpose of digital marketing is to engage your audience through social media by means of promotions, videos, contests, etc. Once people are aware of your product and/or service, they can share what they know by word of mouth through their own social media channels.
In addition to using social media to spread the word, you ca also use them to listen. When people dislike something, chances are they will share their experience with others through sites such as Facebook or Twitter. So, instead of just using it to spread awareness, you can use these sites to listen to potential customers and improve.
Know the Channels: Two of the most common websites used to create awareness through social media are Facebook and Twitter, but there are others as well which include:
Yahoo! Answers
If you haven't heard of these websites. it is important to take the time to become familiar with them so that you can improve your online presence.
Experience with social media marketing is an important skill to have when entering the marketing field today. Even if it is completely unknown territory, simply becoming familiar with the websites above will get you started on the right track.
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