Thursday, October 15, 2015

How to Change Your Job Hunt Approach

We all know that finding a job won't happen overnight, but sometimes it might seem like your never going to land your dream job, or just any job for that matter. Even when it seems that way, your wrong. Eventually you will find a job, maybe even your dream job, but you have to remember to never give up.

By not giving up I don't mean keep repeating the same process over and over. If the your job hunting strategy isn't working out to your advantage, switch it up. Instead of sending out hundreds of resumes for every job posting that your eyes come across, try finding a company that you would want to work for and go meet them in person.

In chapter 6 of What Color is Your Parachute, the author talks about the different approaches to search for job. Here are the top few. 

1. Knock on Their Door: According to WCIYP, this method works 47 percent of the time. This method works best with small companies, which includes companies with 50 or fewer employees. Maybe you''ll get lucky and someone just recently quit, or maybe you'll impress the workers at the office. Whatever the reason, physically going to an employer will greatly increase your chances of landing the job. 

2. Use the Yellow Pages: Using the yellow pages allows you to identify potential places that interest you. It gives you a chance to narrow down where you would want to work and best of all, this approach works 65 percent of the time! 

3. The Parachute Approach: For this approach to work effectively, first you need to figure out what you love to do so that you can begin with yourself, instead of the job market. When you find the organizations that match your interests you should approach them in person or through a bridge-person. Do not wait until you see that they have a vacancy! You should start the process before that. 

So, there are a number of ways to approach finding a job. Many think that sending out hundreds of resumes, or looking online is the best way, but you now know three other approaches that have been proven to be effective. Like I mentioned earlier, remember to not give up and keep switching it up. Eventually you will land the job! 

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