Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Hubspot Smarketing Basics


Smarketing is important because companies that have strong marketing and sales alignment get 20% annual revenue growth. No, smarketing is not a typo, it's a real thing. It's just like it sounds. Basically, smarketing is sales and marketing put together. If you want to integrate smarketing into your organization, there are 5 steps that you should follow.

Speak the Same Language:  Sales is completely number driven. so the language of smarketing comes down to revenue. People on the team should pick a number and work to achieve it. While trying to reach that number, you must think of the buyer's journey and life-cycle stages. This includes having a sales ready lead that is a great fit with a high level of interest. 

Set-Up Closed Loop Reporting: This completes the loop between sales and marketing. From this, you are able to pass along information and gain more feedback. On the marketing side, benefits include getting up to date information, learning which programs are working, and increasing Marketing ROI. Benefits on the sales side include prioritizing leads, making warmer calls, and increasing Sales ROI. Analyzing what content helps to close customers is an important part of this step because you can surface that on your website and nurture. 

Implement A Service Level Agreement(SLA): An SLA determines what each team is set to accomplish in order to support the other. It sets the alignment around the goals. To calculate SLA you can set specific quotas, on both sides, and see if they are being met. An example of a SLA is: Marketers will deliver 150 leads per sales representatives per month.  

Maintain Open Communication: One way to accomplish open communication is to have a meeting where both marketing and sales attend and are on the same page and up to date. Monthly management meetings can also help to resolve any issue that there might be. You can also try campaign communication which involves marketing your campaigns to your sales team. Sharing updates about products is also extremely important to be successful. 

Rely on Data: To do this, you can create and share a dashboard that shows the daily reports aligned with the team goals. You can measure the volume of leads against the quality or even track leads by type of source. Analyzing campaign leads can be helpful in determining which efforts successfully drive traffic, leads, and customers. Monthly reports can also help to measure progress and from there, you can see what changes need to be made. 

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